Our Advantages

Minimal Amount of Samples

Many genes and proteins are involved in cellular growth regulation or signal transduction and can serve as targets or stratification markers for new therapeutics. The challenge is how to get a sufficient amount of samples, such as cells or tissues, to examine multiple biomolecules- especially for proteins which are traditionally investigated with large input amount using LC-MS/MS, Western blot, IHC, or flow cytometry. At PicoImmune Co., we can determine the amount and expression patterns of various DNAs, RNAs, and proteins in a minimal amount of sample (as few as 1-100 cells or 1 μl of plasma or serum) using our cutting-edge tools and technology.

Real-time Data

Protein and mRNA expression patterns and levels, including activation or inhibition of signaling pathways, and protein post-translational modifications, can significantly change after surgical resection or animal sacrifice at the end of studies. Many results and read-outs from such samples are often misleading, as the data may not reflect the molecular realities of drug effects while still in the human or animal body. Using our patented technology and standardized protocols for controlled and rapid tissue processing, we acquire minimal samples in a minimally or non-invasive way from patients or live animals and monitor real-time efficacy of novel therapies before, during, and after drug administration. Thus, we obtain more reliable and valuable information for gene and protein changes and support rational design of dosing strategies and evaluation of efficacy of novel drugs.

Better Data from Fewer Animals

Coordinated application of PK/PD provides a rational, efficient, and informative approach to preclinical and clinical drug development. In clinical studies, core or fine needle aspirate biopsies (FNAB) are used routinely for PK/PD evaluation. In preclinical studies, whole tumor samples are often collected for the same studies requiring the sacrifice of animals at each time point, resulting in large numbers of animals used. By using our patented µ-biopsy sampling technique combined with sensitive assays, we are able to  determine PK/PD responses, capture the transient changes of target proteins, and make it possible to perform longitudinal studies to evaluate protein changes, leading to development of drug resistance without using large numbers of animals.

Protein and Gene Level Data

Proteins, the targets of most drugs, are often studied through indirect DNA or RNA surrogates, since many proteins lack cost-effective assays for quantitation due to limit of sample size. Critical information, such as post-transcriptional regulation (including mRNA stability and posttranslational modifications), is also often missed. Common technologies require either high amount of input samples, prohibitively complex expertise and sophisticated instruments (such as LC-MS/MS), or both for direct protein biomarker discovery and screening efforts. We now offer unique, sensitive, and reliable assays for many signaling proteins and disease mediators while requiring minimal amount of sample.

Multiplex and Ultrasensitive

Our validated assays for cytokine, chemokine, tumor suppressor, oncoprotein, and other signaling molecule panels can be multiplexed up to 150-plex without losing specificity or sensitivity.

Both Qualitative and Quantitative

Our assays to test drug effects on protein expression can be both qualitative and quantitative. Unlike ELISA and FACS, our assays measure protein amount after separation based on MW/ size or pI/charge changes (such as phosphorylation). Unlike western blotting which is often inconsistent and semi-quantitative at best, we quantitate the absolute amount of a protein (as low as pM level) in minimal amount of samples.

Diverse Assays and Formats

Our diverse assays can meet clients' various needs: large or limited volume of sample; high or low multiplex; ultra or high sensitivity; single cell, protein, mRNA, or microRNA data.

We have a panel of ready-to-use tumor and primary cell lines, bioassays, and animal models to support your drug discovery and development, from preclinical to clinical studies.